Thank You, Mr. Chip!
September 12, 2015
A great Arrowman in our lodge, Chip Leonard, has recently stepped down as our Lodge Adviser at the National Order of the Arrow Conference. During his leadership as Echockotee Lodge Adviser, the lodge never received any distinction other than the coveted Gold Tier Journey to Excellence status. This material success has remained under-the-radar in comparison to the mentorship he has provided countless youth leaders in the lodge.
Chip Leonard stepped up to the plate and became an adviser to support his son, Nick Leonard, as he advanced through his time in the Order. His brother, Todd, was always the involved one, so it was not exactly Chip’s first thought to immediately become a scout leader. What he found when he started his new role, however, was that his passion for teaching youth came out when he interacted with energetic and driven scouts. He began making an impact immediately in the Lodge as scouts easily worked with him to create real positive tangible change.
At NOAC, many of his past chiefs spoke on Chip’s humble nature and hatred of the spotlight. This does not deter from how much he truly deserves it for empowering the leadership of the Lodge and encouraging their continual professional development and confidence. As his last Vice Chief of Program I can personally say that I would not be the leader I am today without the coaching over my term by Chip Leonard. He has an incessant flare and inner energy that is contagious when interacting with anyone. He never hesitates to hold someone accountable, yet at the same time has the best sense of humor in the Lodge. I know I can speak on behalf of all his past officers when I say, I am proud to have worked with Chip.
Clarence Leonard is a true mentor, friend, and brother to the members of Echockotee Lodge. The immaterial relationships and friendships that he formed with his officers will last far beyond their Gold JTE year as the officers of the lodge. Thank you Chip for everything you have done for your brothers in Echockotee Lodge.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Zach Morris